This stylish and sturdy kids’ bike with 18-inch wheels is a perfect gift for your child. The bicycle is designed to provide years of fun and equipped with height-adjustable saddle and handlebar. With the front carrier, your kids can easily take their toys. The kids’ bicycle comes with a chain guard to prevent the chain from entrapping rider’s feet and clothes. With decorated cute prints, this bicycle will surely win your child’s heart. The kids’ bicycle has a strong frame made of MIG (inert metal gas) welded steel. The foam-padded saddle adds to the seating comfort. Additionally, the low stand-over frame allows for easy access. The bike and all the parts come in a carton. The wheels, handlebar and saddle, must be assembled to the frame. The wheels, brakes and gears must be set and fine-tuned in a way they work correctly. Important note: The bike is not ready-to-ride when delivered. You must assemble and fine-tune it before using the bike.Note: There may be local legal requirements for lighting, reflector etc. Always follow the requirements. Otherwise do not ride the bicycle in public areas.
- Colour: Pink and black
- Frame material: MIG welded steel
- Rim material: Steel
- Saddle height (adjustable): 58-61.5 cm
- Wheel size: 18 inches (457.2 mm)
- Number of gears: 1
- With front carrier
- Rear coaster brake & front calliper brake
- Height-adjustable handlebar
- With chain guard and mudguard
- Front and rear reflectors
- With stabiliser bracket set
- Multi spanner tools provided
- User body length: 110-120 cm
- Recommended age: 5-7 years
- Assembly required: Yes